Hampden Auto Care

Professional and quick service, honest feedback and suggestions, and upfront pricing.

We did a price check on our car needs, and this location was the most reasonable. They did not rip us off or try to convince us that we needed more than we actually needed like other locations nearby.

They provided detailed information on the condition of the car and why. For example, he explained that Jiffy Lube gave us the cheapest and low-quality oil and filter for our car. In other places, they don’t tell you anything and if you ask how was it, they say “uh. It went good”. We appreciate that they provided us transparency with our car, a rare find!

Contact Details
Company Name Hampden Auto Care
Address 1620 West 41st St Unit D Baltimore, MD 21211, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America (USA)
Phone Number (443) 835-3340
WhatsApp Number
Website http://www.hampdenautocare.com
Social Accounts
Business Details
Industry Auto Repair
Auto Services
Incorporation Year
Registration Number (RC)
Hampden Auto Care
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