Connect Electrical Installations
Residential, Commercial, Tenant improvement House electrical inspection BC Hydro power smart lighting upgrade (incentive PIP and PSP program) Replacement of knob and tube wiring for insurance purposes New house wiring Old house rewiring Renovation and tenant improvement Panel upgrade, changes and adding sub-panels Service upgrade for insurance purposes Re-locate electrical service mast Any size of electrical metal piping Additions, basements finishing Aluminum wiring inspections Interior, exterior lighting Electrical troubleshooting and MORE! Communication Services: Install & relocate communication mast Run voice, data and T.V cables Mount T.V on the wall, and MORE!
Company Name | Connect Electrical Installations |
Address | North Vancouver, BC V7M Canada Central Lonsdale, Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada |
Phone Number | (604) 710-6714 |
WhatsApp Number | |
Website | |
Social Accounts |
Industry | Electrical Service |
Founder | |
Incorporation Year | |
Registration Number (RC) |
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