Nuuanu Branch YMCA

Established in 1869.

The YMCA of Honolulu was founded in 1869 and incorporated under the laws of the Kingdom of Hawai’i in 1882. We are an independent, local, tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) organization. Prayer meetings, aid to Sunday schools and operation of a reading room in the Seamen’s Home became the first work of the YMCA association. Work for the Chinese, then coming to the islands in great numbers, began in 1877. Boys work was begun about 1883. Physical education activities, rural work expansion and camping followed. Hi-Y clubs made up of local high school students were organized and a trade school was opened. An Army and Navy YMCA became a reality, and the Nuuanu YMCA was established and became know as the “Association world’s most notable achievement in racial integration.” The Honolulu YMCA helped with the formation of YMCAs on the islands of Kauai, Hawaii and Maui. Decentralization on Oahu created separate branches that served local community needs.

Contact Details
Company Name Nuuanu Branch YMCA
Address 1441 Pali Hwy Honolulu, HI 96813, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America (USA)
Phone Number (808) 536-3556
WhatsApp Number
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Incorporation Year
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