BusyMom Errands Services

Our mission is to provide exceptional errand services not just to pick up and deliver, but provide personalised services that makes your daily tasks easy for a well balanced family, work life and a healthy lifestyle.
Busymom errands caters for your various needs ranging from:
*grocery shopping
*gift purchase, wrapping & delivery
*buying of food stuffs
*laundry pick up & delivery
*paying of bills
*birthday gift/items shopping
*wedding anniversary gift/ items shopping
*product/item pick ups
*new moms shopping: baby items, personal items, meal preparation.
*Care for the elderly: meeting with doctor’s appointments
*Catering & Event Planning

Contact Details
Company Name BusyMom Errands Services
Address Ogba, Ogba, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Number 08052351233
WhatsApp Number
Website https://www.busymomerrands.wordpress.com
Social Accounts
Business Details
Industry Lifestyle Management
Incorporation Year
Registration Number (RC)
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