Yum Yum BBQ

The chicken was delicious! The Yum Yum had a thicker sauce that was sweet and spicy, where as the Shallot was more crunchy with shallots. The breading is perfect – not to thin but not thick.

Contact Details
Company Name Yum Yum BBQ
Address 104-3 Stonegate Drive NW Airdrie, AB T4B 0N2 Canada, Airdrie, Alberta, Canada
Phone Number (403) 980-8303
WhatsApp Number
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Registration Number (RC)
Yum Yum BBQ
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Where is Yum Yum BBQ business address?

Yum Yum BBQ is located at 104-3 Stonegate Drive NW Airdrie, AB T4B 0N2 Canada, Airdrie, Alberta, Canada.

What is Yum Yum BBQ phone number?

Yum Yum BBQ contact phone number is (403) 980-8303.