Browns Socialhouse Maple Ridge

We keep things simple. That’s a big part of our business model. It’s why we use a one-page menu. It’s why we stick to a “4-Walls” philosophy when it comes to building the Brand in local communities. It’s why our Culinary Development Program focuses on recipes with broad appeal, not “niche” menu items. And it’s why we use similar design elements in all Socialhouses.

Contact Details
Company Name Browns Socialhouse Maple Ridge
Address 20490 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge, Anmore, British Columbia, Canada
Phone Number (604) 457-0771
WhatsApp Number
Social Accounts
Business Details
Industry Food & Drink
Incorporation Year
Registration Number (RC)
Browns Socialhouse Maple Ridge
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Where is Browns Socialhouse Maple Ridge business address?

Browns Socialhouse Maple Ridge is located at 20490 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge, Anmore, British Columbia, Canada.

What is Browns Socialhouse Maple Ridge phone number?

Browns Socialhouse Maple Ridge contact phone number is (604) 457-0771.