Rand Machine Works

“We treat every customer like our only customer” Founded in 1980, Rand Machine Works is one of the premier full-service machine shops in San Joaquin Valley. It offers designing/prototyping, production and full-service/repair work to its clients. The company caters to clients, such as the container/glass/water valve manufacturers, construction equipment companies, railroad maintenance equipment providers and textile industry. Based in San Joaquin Valley, Calif., Rand Machine Works launched its twin division called Rand Welding & Fabrication in 1999, which delves into mobile, on-site welding and steel fabrication.

Contact Details
Company Name Rand Machine Works
Address 1955 S Mary St Fresno, Anmore, British Columbia, Canada
Phone Number (559) 825-3647
WhatsApp Number
Website http://www.randmachineworks.co…
Social Accounts
Business Details
Industry Construction
Incorporation Year
Registration Number (RC)
Rand Machine Works
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