As a Kamloops Ford and Lincoln dealer, we have a full selection of brand new models for you to choose from including the Ford Focus, Ford F-150, F-250, heavy duty F-350. With recent advances, Ford cars, trucks and SUVs have been leading the industry in fuel economy, performance and environmentally-conscious vehicles and we are proud to bring them to you! We are also a used car dealership, offering Kamloops an excellent selection of used Fords as well as vehicles from other manufacturers including Chevrolet, BMW, Chrysler and more.

Contact Details
Company Name Kamloops Ford Lincoln
Address 940 Halston Avenue Kamloops, BC V2B 2B8 Canada, Barriere, British Columbia, Canada
Phone Number (250) 376-7266
WhatsApp Number
Social Accounts
Business Details
Industry Auto Dealers- New & Used
Auto Parts- New & Used
Vehicle Sales
Incorporation Year
Registration Number (RC)
Butler Auto & R V Centre
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Where is Kamloops Ford Lincoln business address?

Kamloops Ford Lincoln is located at 940 Halston Avenue Kamloops, BC V2B 2B8 Canada, Barriere, British Columbia, Canada.

What is Kamloops Ford Lincoln phone number?

Kamloops Ford Lincoln contact phone number is (250) 376-7266.