Cleaning 4U provides unique, premium cleaning services. Full Service Guarantee: We believe customer satisfaction is the foundation of any successful business. If you aren’t satisfied with any part of your cleaning, we will provide a refund. Professionally Trained: Our employees are highly trained, personable and peer-reviewed to ensure that your individual cleaner is up to the task of keeping your home spotless. Green Products: We use only the best green, eco-friendly products, ensuring not only a spotless, fresh home, but one that smells great, and doesn’t leave harmful toxic chemicals.

Contact Details
Company Name Cleaning4U
Address 1122 Gilford St Unit 1603 Vancouver, BC V6G 2P5 Canada, Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada
Phone Number (778) 829-9550
WhatsApp Number
Social Accounts
Business Details
Industry Cleaning
Laundry & Cleaning
Incorporation Year
Registration Number (RC)
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Where is Cleaning4U business address?

Cleaning4U is located at 1122 Gilford St Unit 1603 Vancouver, BC V6G 2P5 Canada, Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada.

What is Cleaning4U phone number?

Cleaning4U contact phone number is (778) 829-9550.