Jeff’s Plumbing

I have always believed in doing a quality job, with exceptional customer service.. I started out my career in the customer service industry and have always valued my customer. I offer a fair price, prompt service, my knowledge and experiences with an explanation of services rendered. I do high quality installations with a sense of pride like each home is my own. I am in my 17th year, in the plumbing trade, 13thyear certified and 10th year with my own company. I have met and had success with every plumbing challenge that has come along. Jeff’s Plumbing is expanding through these ideals with repeat business and referrals from very satisfied clients. I have also built a network of other quality tradesmen, I can recommend for other aspects of your project. I look forward to giving you, your dream kitchen or the bathroom you have always wanted in your home, with affordable prices.

Contact Details
Company Name Jeff’s Plumbing
Address 35287 Old Yale Road Abbotsford, BC V3G 8H5 Canada, Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada
Phone Number (604) 306-7951
WhatsApp Number
Social Accounts
Business Details
Industry Plumbers
Incorporation Year
Registration Number (RC)
Jeffs Plumbing
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