Greenhill Recycling

Greenhill Recycling is a recycling agency that operate on post consumer recycling which encourages consumers to recycle their household waste such as:clean and empty plastic bottles,aluminium beverage cans,old newspapers etc to achieve a healthy society

Contact Details
Company Name Greenhill Recycling
Address 18b, Okeho Street, Off Ire-Akari Estate Road, Isolo, Isolo, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone Number +234 812 110 0433, +234 952 289 558
WhatsApp Number
Social Accounts
Business Details
Industry Recycling
Incorporation Year
Registration Number (RC)
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Where is Greenhill Recycling business address?

Greenhill Recycling is located at 18b, Okeho Street, Off Ire-Akari Estate Road, Isolo, Isolo, Lagos, Nigeria.

What is Greenhill Recycling phone number?

Greenhill Recycling contact phone number is +234 812 110 0433, +234 952 289 558.