The Hoarding Marmot
We’re Anchorage’s finest outdoor gear & clothing consignment store, focusing on human-powered adventures in Alaska’s great outdoors. From skiing & snowboarding to climbing & mountaineering: we have it all! While our focus is finding used gear a new home, we also carry new products to ensure we’re fully stocked for your adventure. Besides getting great deals on gently used items, bring in your own gear & we’ll sell it for you. When it sells you can either get a check for 100% of your split or save it up in store credit for an extra 10% value bonus on your next purchase. We help save the hassle for both buyers & sellers, providing a clean, safe place to try, buy, & sell. Call, email, or stop by for more information. We’re open 7 days a week, so come check us out!
Company Name | The Hoarding Marmot |
Address | 1231 W Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99503, Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America (USA) |
Phone Number | (907) 334-3333 |
WhatsApp Number | |
Website | |
Social Accounts |
Industry | |
Founder | |
Incorporation Year | |
Registration Number (RC) |

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Where is The Hoarding Marmot business address?
The Hoarding Marmot is located at 1231 W Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99503, Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America (USA).
What is The Hoarding Marmot phone number?
The Hoarding Marmot contact phone number is (907) 334-3333.