MaDang the Courtyard

Since opening its doors in 2010, MaDang Courtyard has earned a reputation from the local community by revolutionizing the entertainment and shopping experience. Tailored to suit the diverse and artistically rich tastes of Los Angelenos, MaDang Courtyard presents a global spectrum of exclusive Eatery, Shopping, Entertainment for everyone.

Contact Details
Company Name MaDang the Courtyard
Address 621 S Western Ave Los Angeles, CA 90005, Los Angeles, California, United States of America (USA)
Phone Number (213) 387-8811
WhatsApp Number
Website https://(213)387-8811
Social Accounts
Business Details
Industry Shopping
Shopping Centres
Incorporation Year
Registration Number (RC)
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Where is MaDang the Courtyard business address?

MaDang the Courtyard is located at 621 S Western Ave Los Angeles, CA 90005, Los Angeles, California, United States of America (USA).

What is MaDang the Courtyard phone number?

MaDang the Courtyard contact phone number is (213) 387-8811.