Emerald Auto & Brake

Our services include Brakes, Tune-ups, Clutches, Coolant flush, Transmission service, Shocks and struts, Suspension work, Tires & alignment, Air conditioning, Alternator and starters, Water pumps, Belts and hoses. We handle all major services, including preventative maintenance at 30K, 60K, and 90K. We also service Hybrids. Brakes – Complete Disc Brake Service that includes: replacement brake pads, lube calipers, flush brake fluid, and machine brake rotors, if needed. Drum Brakes — replace shoes, inspect wheel cylinders and hardware, machine drums, if needed. Flush brake fluid. Tune-Ups – Replace spark plugs. Replace air filter and cabin filter, if applicable. Inspect spark plug wires, distributor cap and rotor, if applicable. Clean fuel injection. Adjust timing. Clutches – Replace clutch kit (pressure plate, clutch disc, bearings). De-glaze fly wheel.

Contact Details
Company Name Emerald Auto & Brake
Address 645 Judah St San Francisco, CA 94122, San Francisco, California, United States of America (USA)
Phone Number (415) 564-1330
WhatsApp Number
Website http://www.emeraldautoandbrake.com
Social Accounts
Business Details
Industry Auto Repair
Incorporation Year
Registration Number (RC)
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Where is Emerald Auto & Brake business address?

Emerald Auto & Brake is located at 645 Judah St San Francisco, CA 94122, San Francisco, California, United States of America (USA).

What is Emerald Auto & Brake phone number?

Emerald Auto & Brake contact phone number is (415) 564-1330.