Ginza Bairin Tonkatsu & Yoshoku Bistro

Ginza Bairin Tonkatsu & Yoshoku Bistro is Honolulu’s premier destination for authentic Japanese cuisine. The Waikiki location is the first of the Ginza Bairin restaurants to open outside of Asia. At their location at 255 Beach Walk in the heart of Waikiki diners can find them serving plates of their world-famous Tonkatsu along with the specialty sauce created by Ginza Bairin’s founder, Nobukatsu Shibuya, in 1927. The chain of restaurants is owned and managed by the third generation of the Shibuya family, embodying a true legacy dining experience. Ginza Bairin offers a variety of exciting plates for those who love the Western-influenced dishes that emerged during Japan’s Meiji Restoration Period, illustrating a truly fascinating history in every bite. Validated parking is available for dinner / all day weekends at the corner of Kalakaua and Beach Walk (new Bank of Hawaii Waikiki Ctr Bldg underground garage).

Contact Details
Company Name Ginza Bairin Tonkatsu & Yoshoku Bistro
Address 255 Beach Walk Honolulu, HI 96815, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America (USA)
Phone Number (808) 926-8082
WhatsApp Number
Website https://www.ginzabairinhawaii.
Social Accounts
Business Details
Industry Restaurants
Incorporation Year
Registration Number (RC)
Ginza Bairin Tonkatsu & Yoshoku Bistro
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Where is Ginza Bairin Tonkatsu & Yoshoku Bistro business address?

Ginza Bairin Tonkatsu & Yoshoku Bistro is located at 255 Beach Walk Honolulu, HI 96815, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America (USA).

What is Ginza Bairin Tonkatsu & Yoshoku Bistro phone number?

Ginza Bairin Tonkatsu & Yoshoku Bistro contact phone number is (808) 926-8082.