Lana’s Cleaning

Exclusively Kailua, Kaneohe and Waimanalo Area. Professional house cleaning. Non toxic cleaning. Licensed and insured. Aromatherapy house cleaning. We will begin by giving your home a deep cleaning , then we will follow with a system that maintains a detail-level of perfection throughout your home weekly or bi- weekly, depending in your needs. Our cleaning services are thorough, consistent and customized. We provide all the equipments and cleaning supplies. Aromatherapy Cleaning Instead of using conventional cleaners formulated with harsh chemicals, we use essential oils non-toxic products. Pure essentials oils have antibacterial, anti-fungal, germicidal, antiseptic, deodorizing and even healing properties. We also offer steam cleaning Even with regular cleaning we recommend steam cleaning for the bathrooms and tile floors around the house. The steam cleaning utilizes no chemicals, only high temperature steam that kills viruses and bacteria. This is a great addition on a monthly or quarterly basis. Steam cleaning is also great on cleaning grout.

Contact Details
Company Name Lana’s Cleaning
Address Kailua, HI 96744 Serving Kailua Area, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America (USA)
Phone Number (808) 321-8182
WhatsApp Number
Social Accounts
Business Details
Industry Cleaning
Incorporation Year
Registration Number (RC)
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