BASIC SCIENCE Project, Seminar, Dissertation, Thesis & Other Research Topics and Ideas


Here are project topics across various areas of basic science:


  1. Investigating the properties of electromagnetic waves.
  2. Constructing and analyzing a simple electric motor.
  3. Exploring the principles of projectile motion through experiments.
  4. Studying the behavior of light through different mediums.
  5. Investigating the concept of magnetic levitation.


  1. Analyzing the effects of different catalysts on chemical reactions.
  2. Investigating the factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction.
  3. Studying the properties of acids and bases.
  4. Analyzing the chemical composition of common household items.
  5. Investigating the concept of pH and its applications.


  1. Studying the effects of different environmental factors on plant growth.
  2. Investigating the impact of various nutrients on microbial growth.
  3. Analyzing the genetics of traits in a particular organism.
  4. Studying the effects of different pollutants on aquatic life.
  5. Investigating the anatomy and behavior of a specific insect species.

Earth Science:

  1. Studying the formation and properties of different types of rocks.
  2. Investigating the impact of human activities on soil erosion.
  3. Analyzing the factors influencing weather patterns in a specific region.
  4. Studying the effects of climate change on a particular ecosystem.
  5. Investigating the geological features of a local area.


  1. Observing and documenting celestial phenomena, such as eclipses or meteor showers.
  2. Studying the properties of a specific type of star or planet.
  3. Analyzing the effects of space weather on Earth.
  4. Investigating the lifecycle of a particular type of galaxy.
  5. Studying the historical development of astronomical instruments.

Environmental Science:

  1. Analyzing the impact of different waste disposal methods on the environment.
  2. Investigating the effectiveness of various renewable energy sources.
  3. Studying the biodiversity of a local ecosystem.
  4. Analyzing the water quality of a nearby body of water.
  5. Investigating the effects of deforestation on local wildlife.

These project ideas can serve as a starting point, and you can modify them based on your specific interests and available resources. Additionally, always ensure safety measures are in place when conducting experiments.