BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT Project, Seminar, Dissertation, Thesis & Other Research Topics and Ideas


Here are business administration and management project topics, areas, and ideas that you can consider:

  1. The Impact of Leadership Styles on Employee Productivity
  2. Strategic Human Resource Management in Multinational Corporations
  3. Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Modern Business Environment
  4. Effective Change Management Strategies in Organizations
  5. The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Effectiveness
  6. Evaluating the Impact of Technology on Business Operations
  7. Supply Chain Management: Best Practices and Case Studies
  8. Strategies for Enhancing Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction
  9. Financial Management in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
  10. The Role of Corporate Governance in Preventing Corporate Scandals
  11. Entrepreneurial Challenges and Opportunities in Emerging Markets
  12. Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail Businesses
  13. Analysis of Global Business Expansion Strategies
  14. The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance
  15. Risk Management in International Business Ventures
  16. The Relationship Between Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance
  17. Innovation Management in the Age of Disruption
  18. Analyzing the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Processes
  19. Measuring and Improving Customer Satisfaction in Service Industries
  20. Strategic Marketing Management in the Digital Era
  21. Project Management Best Practices and Case Studies
  22. The Role of Ethics in Business Decision Making
  23. Cross-Cultural Management in Global Organizations
  24. Financial Analysis and Performance Measurement of Publicly Traded Companies
  25. Effective Talent Acquisition and Retention Strategies
  26. Sustainable Business Practices: A Comparative Analysis
  27. The Influence of Organizational Structure on Innovation
  28. Analysis of Merger and Acquisition Strategies in the Corporate World
  29. The Impact of Global Economic Trends on Business Strategy
  30. Assessment of Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

Feel free to choose a topic that aligns with your interests and the specific focus of your project. Additionally, you can narrow down these topics based on the scope and requirements of your course or program.