People who hunger for money hardly get money


“People who hunger for money hardly get money. But people that hunger for knowledge almost always get money. Money is the reward for solving problems and knowledge enables you solve problems. Escape poverty by chasing what will make money chase you!”

By Reno Omokri

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Stop designing websites, doing landscaping, accounting or laundry, for friends and family for free
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Never bite the hand that fed you
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Stop thinking that your certificate entitles you to a job, or wealth, or even to success
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I’ve seen money change people
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If you don’t know how to start a business, let me simplify it
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If you want to be rich, stop doing what you are good at for free, even if it is your hobby
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Don’t easily feel sorry for some poor people
Money is like fire. Fire is not good or bad in itself. In the hand of a good man, fire is light. In the hand of a bad man, fire will burn things down. Don’t easily feel sorry for some poor […]

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It is more important to learn how to make money work for you, than to learn how to work for money
It is more important to learn how to make money work for you, than to learn how to work for money. That‘s why you should learn to invest. Dont spend your life going out to look for money. I […]

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Treat money like a tree
Treat money like a tree. When you need firewood, you cut the branches, because branches grow back. If you cut the root, the tree won’t grow back. Your money is a tree. Don’t cut it at the r […]

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I’ve seen money change people
I’ve seen money change people. They dance well for God when they are broke. They make money and stop dancing that way. You ask why. They say such dance no longer befits their status. If mon […]

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You get rich by connecting with people, not by collecting from them
You get rich by connecting with people, not by collecting from them. When you meet successful people, borrow wisdom from them, not money. Study their money habits. Act like them, and soon, […]

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