Poverty is also vanity

“When a rich man dies and leaves his wealth some people say ‘vanity upon vanity, as if wealth is a sin. It is not only wealth that is vanity. Poverty is also vanity. They are both vain because none of them can save you. But I prefer a wealth vanity”

By Reno Omokri

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Start Controlling Money
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Give people reason to buy into you by the way you live life
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If you want your income to support you, it must have at least 3 streams
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Sanitise your thoughts to sanitise your life!
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What It Takes Leaders To Create A Path
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Stop begging for money and start begging for wisdom
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Even birds won’t lay eggs until they first build a nest
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Don’t just start a business
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Lack of money is almost as bad as love of money
One big religious myth is the fallacy that money is evil. It is poverty that you should avoid. Poverty makes you desperate for money. Most of those who steal are poor. Why? Because they lac […]

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Start Controlling Money
If you don't control money, poverty will control you. It will control where you live, who you marry, who your friends are, and the type of children you have. So, start controlling money mer […]

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Not everyone can do business.
It is a lie that not everyone can do business. Everyone can. But not everyone does. Do it because you need to defeat poverty in your own life, so you can help others defeat it in theirs. A […]

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Biggest fish always swim in deep waters
The biggest fish always swim in deep waters. Wake up early, to think deeply. The ideas that will bring wealth will come to you when you are engaged in deep thought. It is called ideating. R […]

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Many people you think are angry, are not really angry
Many people you think are angry, are not really angry. They are poor. Bring easily angered is often a symptom of poverty. That is why ghettoes tend to be violent. Don’t waste your time atta […]

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