Leadership Adages/Quotes

Start Controlling Money
If you don't control money, poverty will control you. It will control where you live, who you marry, who your friends are, and the type of children you have. So, start controlling money mer […]

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Never depend on a single source of income
Never depend on a single source of income. Learn from God. He gave us the sun and He also gave us the moon. When the sun stops shining, the moon will shine. When your main source of income […]

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Focus on your boss, not your colleagues
You are not in your office to win friends. You are there to succeed. It is not a democracy. Focus on your boss, not your colleagues. Let them call you bootlicker. The same man who signed yo […]
Follow your dreams and try to achieve them or your fears will follow you and try to overcome you
Follow your dreams and try to achieve them or your fears will follow you and try to overcome you. There is no middle ground. Nature abhors a vacuum. If you want to stay balanced on the bicy […]

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Rich people do not have a monopoly on wealth
Rich people do not have a monopoly on wealth. Stop hating them. Go and make your own wealth. If you have evidence that their money came from money rituals, then expose them. If not, shut up […]

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What It Takes Leaders To Create A Path
Followers will never know how much time, effort and energy it takes from the leader to create a path.

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Best investment you will ever make is an investment in yourself
The best investment you will ever make is an investment in yourself. When was the last time you read a self development, leadership, or investment book? If reading is hard, get an audiobook […]
Beautiful flowers grow in dirty soil
Beautiful flowers grow in dirty soil. Circumstances are like dirty soil. They don’t have to limit you. Use poverty as a means of developing humility, patience and perseverance and those vir […]
It’s foolish to be sad because you are different from others
It’s foolish to be sad because you are different from others. How can you be sad over an advantage? Different people make a difference. Odd people stand out, and because they stand out, the […]

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Separate your business from your family
Christ’s brother’s were part of His Earthly ministry, yet, when He was leaving earth, He chose Peter as His successor. He taught us that you must separate your business from your family. Em […]
We are the Human Race
Yes, we are the Human Race. But that does not mean we should race with each other. You don’t have to marry before your sister or friend or hit it big before your brother or neighbor. We are […]

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Package yourself. Improve yourself
If not for packaging, orange juice wont be more expensive than orange. If not for improvement, corn flakes won’t be more valuable than ordinary corn. Package yourself. Improve yourself. Set […]