Separate your business from your family

“Christ’s brother’s were part of His Earthly ministry, yet, when He was leaving earth, He chose Peter as His successor. He taught us that you must separate your business from your family. Employ quality management over family. Focus on efficiency!”

By Reno Omokri

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Don’t just start a business
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Until you have money dealings with anyone, never say you know them
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You control your: Thoughts, Decisions, Actions and Plans
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Not all thoughts that enters your mind originates from you
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Don’t go to work to earn salary
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Give people reason to buy into you by the way you live life
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Poverty is also vanity
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Invest in yourself, before you investments in real estate, shares, companies,
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Don’t just start a business
Don’t just start a business. Start solving problems. Your business will thrive only to the extent that it solves problems. Help people exchange their problem for money and they‘ll gladly pa […]

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If you want to be rich, stop doing what you are good at for free, even if it is your hobby
If you want to be rich, stop doing what you are good at for free, even if it is your hobby. If you know how to make people laugh, charge for it. If you know how to sing, charge. That‘s why […]

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If you want your income to support you, it must have at least 3 streams
If you want a stool to support your weight, it must have at least 3 legs. If you want your income to support you, it must have at least 3 streams. Salary isn’t enough. You must have a busin […]
Not everyone can do business.
It is a lie that not everyone can do business. Everyone can. But not everyone does. Do it because you need to defeat poverty in your own life, so you can help others defeat it in theirs. A […]

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Even birds won’t lay eggs until they first build a nest
Even birds won’t lay eggs until they first build a nest. You say you are a human being, with intellect, yet, you pop out children when you dont have a job, a business or a source of income. […]

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