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One sad thing about workers is that they go to work to earn a salary, rather than to learn a business
One sad thing about workers is that they go to work to earn a salary, rather than to learn a business. Your salary should be start-up capital. Your real pay is learning how the business you […]

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Lack of money is almost as bad as love of money
One big religious myth is the fallacy that money is evil. It is poverty that you should avoid. Poverty makes you desperate for money. Most of those who steal are poor. Why? Because they lac […]

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Not all thoughts that enters your mind originates from you
There are invisible forces all around. Not all thoughts that enters your mind originates from you. Before acting on a thought, consider that it may have been placed in your consciousness by […]

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Education help you get a job and make money
Education help you get a job and make money. Wisdom helps you get a business and make money work for you. So, get education and get wisdom. But, if you can’t get both, then get wisdom. Solo […]

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What It Takes Leaders To Create A Path
Followers will never know how much time, effort and energy it takes from the leader to create a path.

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Practice this and you will never be poor
Practice this and you will never be poor. When you have a bank alert, don’t think of what you can buy. Think instead of what you can invest in. The more you invest, the more alerts you attr […]

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If you and your wife face hard times, few, if any, of those who attended your multimillion wedding, will bail you out
If you and your wife face hard times, few, if any, of those who attended your multimillion wedding, will bail you out. The food they ate will be a memory, while your lack of food is a reali […]
If you don’t know how to start a business, let me simplify it
If you don’t know how to start a business, let me simplify it. Get 2 sheets of paper. On A, write the skills you have. On B, write those who need those very skills, but don’t have them. Nex […]

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Never bite the hand that fed you
Never bite the hand that fed you. It is an absolute statement. It doesn’t matter if they are wrong and you are right. If you want your future to be bright, make sure you never bite the hand […]

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We are the Human Race
Yes, we are the Human Race. But that does not mean we should race with each other. You don’t have to marry before your sister or friend or hit it big before your brother or neighbor. We are […]

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The only way to get some people to like you is if you stop
The only way to get some people to like you is if you stop * Succeeding * Shining * Being happy * Achieving greatness If you value their approval so much, then stop doing the above. If […]

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Accessing many streams makes oceans full
It is easier to get rich by expanding your income than by reducing your wants. Accessing many streams makes oceans full. You either invest your youth in self-development or invest your old […]

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